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Quick note: Currently, my donation bar displays 0/$17,000. This is because they are working behind the scenes to update codes and financial stuff. It is not my new fundraising goal.
You can safely donate right now, and your donation will not disappear or get messed up.


Hey everyone!

I am super excited to announce that I will be relaunching on the World Race January 2021 Expedition Squad! AHHHHHH YES, IT IS HERE

The route I am going on spans from Lebanon to Australia, with a focus on the 10/40 window, where the most unreached people groups in the world are. Currently the countries are Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Australia. These countries will most likely change so here in the link in case you want to look every now and then, though I will make sure to announce changes as they happen.

I will get to go to Training Camp again this October and it will be where I will get to meet my new squad in person. I loved training camp last year, so I look forward to it again.

Something cool of the World Race team is that they are being super flexible with those of us relaunching on how long we want to be abroad for. I am committed to 9-11 months on this race. This affects my fundraising in that I will need to raise about $1,000 for every month abroad. On top of that, I will also need to raise money for my flights, training camp and launch. With all that, I know I will need to raise at least $10,000.

To kick off, I am doing a birthday fundraiser! My birthday is on the 23rd of August and I will be turning 27! Wohoo! Would you prayerfully consider donating $27, or any amount of your choice, for my 27th birthday? My goal over the next few days is to raise $405, which would be 15 donations of $27.

If you would like to donate, press on that orange “Donate” button on the top of the page and it will take you directly to where you donate. Otherwise you can find me on Venmo, Cash App and PayPal.
Note: my cash app and venmo have changed, so be careful to not send to my old account.
Venmo: jackieivarsson
Cash App: jackieivarsson
PayPal: [email protected]

Thank you everyone for you continued prayers and support. I am super excited for this next season on the World Race. It’s crazy to think back on how much God taught me during the 2 months I was previously the race. I am ready to see how God will grow and stretch me this time around.

Love and appreciate y’all!

2 responses to “WORLD RACE: ROUND 2 BABY and birthday fundraiser”

  1. Yay, Jackie!!! I am so excited for you! This puts a really big smile on my face πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚